
Diseases - Reference list

Diseases – Reference list

1) Rose, J.B., A. Huq, and E.K. Lipp, 2001, Health, Climate and Infectious Diseases: A Global Perspective, Report from the American Association of Microbiologists, Washington, D.C. 24 pp

2) Epstein, P.R. 2000, Global Warming: Health and Disease, Campaign for Climate Change, World Wildlife Fund

3) Lindsay, S.W. and M.H. Birley, 1996, Climate change and malaria transmission, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitiology, 90(6): 573-588

4) Kiska, D.L. 2000, Global climate change: An infectious disease perspective, Clinical Microbiology Newsletter, 22(11): 81-86

5) Bouma, M.J., H.E. Sondorp and H.J. van der Kaay, 1994, Climate change and periodic epidemic malaria, Lancet, 343:1440


7) Epstein, P.R. 1997, Climate, ecology and human health, Consequences 3(2): 1-23

8) Lindsay, S.W. and M.H. Birley, 1996, Climate change and malaria transmission, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitiology, 90(6): 573-588

9) WHO, 1993, The situation of malaria and its control in the world: status abd progress since 1992, Document CTD/MAL/MIP/WP/93.1, World Health Organization, Geneva

10) Epstein, P.R. 2000, Global Warming: Health and Disease, Campaign for Climate Change, World Wildlife Fund

11) IBID

12) IBID

13) Breslin, K. 1994, Global climate change: Beyond sunburn, Environmental Health Perspectives, 102(5): 440-443

14) IBID

15) Pratt, H.D., K.S. Littig, and R.C. Barnes, 1960, Mosquitos of public importance and their control (DHEW 72-8140) Washington, DC, US Department of Health, Education and Welfare

16) Last, J.M. and Q.P. Chiotti, 2001, Climate change and health, Isuma, Winter: 62-69

17) Winnipeg Free Press, 2002, Winnipeg begins annual fight against mosquitos with arsenal of chemicals

18) Epstein, P.R. 1997, Climate, ecology and human health, Consequences 3(2): 1-23

19) Epstein, P.R. 1997, Climate, ecology and human health, Consequences 3(2): 1-23

20) Khan, A.S. , R.F. Khabbaz, L.R. Armstrong, R.C. Holman, S.P, Parker, J. Graber, T. Strine, G. Miller, S. Reef, J. Tappero, P.E. Rollin, S.T. Nichol, S.R. Zaki, R.T. Byron, L.E. Chapman, C.J. Peters and T.G. Ksiazek, 1996, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome: The first 100 US cases, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 173:1297-1303

21) Epstein, P.R. 2000, Global Warming: Health and Disease, Campaign for Climate Change, World Wildlife Fund

22) B.E. Lee, A.R. Joffe and W. Vaudry, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome: Report on the first Canadian paediatric case, Canadian Journal fo Infectious Disease, 9(5): 319-321

23) IBID

24) IBID

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