CCC Steering Committee Chair

The direction of Climate Change Connection is set by our Steering Committee. That committee is led by a very passionate and capable chairperson:

Danny Blair

Danny Blair is a Professor of the Department of Geography at the University of Winnipeg.

Danny Blair is a climatologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Manitoba, where he studied the climatology of southern Manitoba. His principal areas of research expertise are concerned with

  • map-pattern classification
  • evidence and impacts of climate change on the prairie provinces
  • climate variability related to teleconnections (e.g. El Nino)
  • paleoclimate reconstructions using precipitation isotopes
  • the thunderstorm hazard
  • the effects of climate change on transportation

He teaches a variety of courses related to climatology, meteorology, and natural hazards.

Contact Information:

Tel: (204) 786-9236
Fax: (204) 774-4134
Email: d.blair (at)

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