Drinking water - Reference list

    Drinking water – Reference list

    1) WHO/Unicef, 1996, Water supply and sanitation sector monitoring report: sector status report as of December 1, 1994, Who/EOS/96.15, World Health Organization, Geneva

    2) Kovats, R.S., B. Mennie, A.J. McMicheal, C. Corvalan and R. Bertollini, 2000, Climate change and human health: Impact and adaptation, World Health Organization (WHO), 47 pp

    3) Manitoba Clean Environment Commission, 2001, Manitoba and Climate Change: A Primer, International Institute for Sustainable Development, 28 pp

    4) Peterson, H.G. 2001, Rural Drinking Water and Waterbourne Illness, In: Maintaining Drinking Water Quality, Lessons from the Prairies and Beyond, Proceedings of the Ninth National Water Conference on Drinking Water, Regina, SK, May 16-18, 2000, Ed: W. Roberston, Canadian Water and Wastewater

    5) Schindler, D.W. 2002, Cumulative impacts of climate warming and other human activities on the freshwater resources of Western and Northern Canada, Conference for the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Winnipeg, (Comments during presentation)

    6) IBID

    7) Schindler, D.W. 2002, Cumulative impacts of climate warming and other human activities on the freshwater resources of Western and Northern Canada, Conference for the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Winnipeg

    8) Schindler, D.W. 2002, Cumulative impacts of climate warming and other human activities on the freshwater resources of Western and Northern Canada, Conference for the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Winnipeg

    9) Ford, T., K. Trenberth, D. Easterling and J. Rose, 1998, Increased flooding and climate change: Consequences for human health, Environmental and Energy Study Institute, 202-628-1400, Washington, D.C. 4 pp

    10) IBID

    11) Rose, J.B. , A. Huq and E.K. Lipp, 2001, Health, Climate and Infectious Diseases: A Global Perspective, Report from the American Association of Microbiologists, Washington, D.C. 24 pp

    12) Hoxie, N.J., J.P. Davis, J.M.Vergereut, R.D. Nashold and K.A. Blair, 1997, Cryptosporidosis associated mortality following a massive waterbourne outbreak in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, American Journal of Public Health, 97: 2023-2035

    13) after Alden, D.L. 1997, Manitoba’s Infrastructure: A review of the Environmental, Health, Social and Economic Impact of the Red River Flood of 1997, 15 pp

    14) Peterson, H.G. 2001, Rural Drinking Water and Waterbourne Illness, In: Maintaining Drinking Water Quality, Lessons from the Prairies and Beyond, Proceedings of the Ninth National Water Conference on Drinking Water, Regina, SK, May 16-18, 2000, Ed: W. Roberston, Canadian Water and Wastewater

    15) IBID

    16) IBID

    17) IBID

    18) CCDR, 1997, Outbreaks of E.coli 0157:H7 infection and cryptosporidosis associated with drinking unpasteurized apple cider – Connecticut and New York, October 1996, Canada Communicable Disease Report, Health Canada

    19) Peterson, H.G. 2001, Rural Drinking Water and Waterbourne Illness, In: Maintaining Drinking Water Quality, Lessons from the Prairies and Beyond, Proceedings of the Ninth National Water Conference on Drinking Water, Regina, SK, May 16-18, 2000, Ed: W. Roberston. Canadian Water and Wastewater Association, Pp 162-191

    20) Curriero, F.C., J.P. Patz, J.B. Rose and S. Leie. 2001, The association between extreme precipitation and waterbourne disease outbreaks in the United States, 1948-1994, American Journal of Public Health: 91(8): 1194-1199

    21) IBID

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