
Forestry adaptation - reference list

Forestry adaptation – reference list

1) (Figure 1 & 2): Rizzo, B and E. Wiken. Assessing the Sensitivity and Canada’s Ecosystems to Climatic Change. 21(1), 1992: 43, http://www.ec.gc.ca/eau-water/default.asp?lang=En&n=3E75BC40-1 

2) E.M. Barrow, R.J. Lee, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Climate Change and Environmental Assessment Part 2: Climate Change Guidance for Environmental Assessments, 2000, Appendix A: Summary of Projected Regional Climate Change Impacts, A5: Prairies Potential Impacts Of Climate Change, Forest Ecosystems, http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=9699932C-1&offset=1&toc=show

3) Manitoba Clean Environment Commission and International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), 2001, Manitoba and Climate Change: A Primer, page 11, https://www.climatechangeconnection.org/Resources/NGOpublications.htm#Primer

4) D.T. Price , R.J. Hall , B.S. Case , F. Raulier , M. Linder, PARC, 2005, Exploring The Impacts Of Climate Change And Adaptation Options For Boreal Forest Ecosystems, page 10, http://www.parc.ca/pdf/research_publications/summary_docs/SD2005-02.pdf

5) David Suzuki Foundation, 2008, webpage: BC Forests / Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/Forests/Canada/BC/Beetle/

6) Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Costs and Threats of Invasive Species to Alberta’s Natural Resources, page 35, Mountain Pine Beetle, 2004, http://srd.alberta.ca/ManagingPrograms/FishWildlifeManagement/FisheriesManagement/documents/Costs_and_threats_of_invasive_species_in_Alberta.pdf

7) Natural Resources Canada, 2007, From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate, Chapter 7, Prairies: Adaptation and Adaptive Capacity, https://www.climatechangeconnection.org/Resources/GovernmentofCanadapublications.htm#Impacts_to_Adaptation

8) Carr, A., Weedon, P. and Cloutis, E. (2004): Climate change implications in Saskatchewan ’s boreal forest fringe and surrounding agricultural areas; Geospatial Consulting, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, p. 99

9) Natural Resources Canada, 2007, From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate, Chapter 7, Prairies: Adaptation and Adaptive Capacity, https://www.climatechangeconnection.org/Resources/GovernmentofCanadapublications.htm#Impacts_to_Adaptation

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