
Manure fertilizer - Reference list

Manure fertilizer – Reference list

1) The Prairie Provinces’ Committee on Livestock Development and Manure Management, 2004, Tri-Provincial Manure Application and Use Guidelines. Online: http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/livestock/beef/pdf/baa08s01a.pdf

2) MacLeod, C. 2005. Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Program – Canadian Pork Council. In: Advances in Pork Production, Vol 16., pg. 67. Online: http://www.banffpork.ca/proc/2005pdf/BO02-MacLeodC.pdf

3) PPCLDMM (The Prairie Provinces’ Committee on Livestock Development and Manure Management. 2004. Tri-Provincial Manure Application and Use Guidelines. Online: http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/livestock/beef/pdf/baa08s01a.pdf

4) Manitoba Government. 1998. The Environment Act (C.C.S.M. c. E125): Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation. Online: http://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/regs/pdf/e125-042.98.pdf

5) Manitoba Government. 2010. Recent changes to the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation. Online: http://manure.mb.ca/projects/pdfs/Changes percent20to percent20LMMMR percent20- percent20ENG percent20June percent202010.pdf

6) Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI), 2008, Soil Management Guide. Online: http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/soilwater/soilmgmt/index.html

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