
    Tag Archives: adaptation

    Disaster survivors bring pleas for climate change action to Parliament Hill

    June 6, 2024 – The Canadian Press – Disaster survivors plead with MPs to act.

    This senator wants Canadian banks to fight climate change

    May 27, 2024 – CBC News – Rosa Galvez has taken on a Herculean task: force Canadian financial institutions to…+

    Much to think about — electrically

    Jan. 3, 2024 – Winnipeg Free Press – Canada’s Environment and Climate Change Minister Stephan Guilbault recently announced that as…+

    Canada in the Year 2060

    Aug. 21, 2023 – MacLean’s – Summers lost to fire and smoke. Biblical floods. Dying forests. Retreating coasts. Economic turmoil…+

    Putting energy efficiency in building codes

    June 19, 2023 – Winnipeg Free Press – WHY is the Manitoba government choosing the lowest tier for energy efficiency…+

    Livestock production

    In this section, you’ll find suggestions on: Managing feed Manure management Pasture and grassland management Click a topic to jump…+

    Water adaptations

    With climate change, water will become an overall more precious and precarious resource in Manitoba. On this page, we deal…+

    Health adaptations

    Universal public health care is well-established in Canada. Therefore, we may only need to modify education, monitoring, or surveillance measures…+

    Forestry adaptation

    The boreal forest is the ecosystem that is expected to be affected the most by future climatic changes. This is…+

    Ecosystem adaptation

    Just as we need to build adaptive capacity into human systems to prepare for climate change, we should aim to…+

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