Tag Archives: agriculture

Crop production

In this section, we provide suggestions on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the following areas of operation: Manure…+

Community adaptation

On this page, you will learn about adaptation in: Urban centres Extreme weather events Drought Heat stress Green space Rural communities Flooding…+

Agriculture solutions

In this section you’ll find suggestions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farming practices. These are tried and true practices…+

Agricultural adaptation

On this page we deal with two aspects of agricultural adaptation in Manitoba Key issues Moisture Insects, weeds, & disease…+


In this section you will find suggestions for adaptations and ways to enhance adaptive capacity in the following areas in…+

Water quantity

Although overall precipitation levels may not change significantly, we may see an overall reduction in the quantity of water in…+

Agriculture impacts

In this section, you will learn about these current and potential impacts of climate change on agriculture in Manitoba: Crop…+

Livestock impacts

On this page, we highlight the following impacts of climate change on livestock production: Heat stress Insects and disease Animal…+

Crop impacts

On this page, we deal with these impacts of climate change on crop production: Growing season Crop yield Water resources…+

Community workshops

Since 2002, Climate Change Connection has provided one-day workshops for 13 different communities across Manitoba. Representatives from a variety of…+

We operate thanks to donations from people like you and support from: Winnipeg Foundation