Tag Archives: carbon dioxide

Biological sequestration

Biological (or terrestrial) sequestration involves the net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere by plants and micro-organisms and its storage…+

Geological sequestration

Geological carbon sequestration involves the separation and capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) at the point of emissions followed by storage…+

Carbon sequestration

In this section, you will learn about the two types of sequestration: Geological sequestration – the separation and capture of…+

Farm buildings

Energy efficiency in farm homes and other buildings can reduce demand for fossil fuels, lower carbon dioxide emissions, and save…+


On this page, we deal with the following topics related to agroforestry: Shelterbelts Riparian buffers Alley cropping Woodlots Click a…+

Synthetic fertilizers

Management practices directly related to synthetic fertilizer application continue to be adapted by industry to lower risk loss and reduce…+

Manure fertilizer

Because manure is such a volatile substance, many nutrients are easily lost and contribute to the high levels of nitrous…+

Nutrient management

On this page, we deal with the following subjects. These good management practices for both manure and synthetic fertilizers can help lower…+

Soil management

Healthy soils are a key step towards reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture. On this page, we deal with…+

Crop production

In this section, we provide suggestions on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the following areas of operation: Manure…+

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