In this section, you will learn about the following direct and indirect impacts on health that shifts in precipitation, temperature, and wind…+
Tag Archives: climate change
Weather impacts
On this page, we address changes in these types of extreme weather events due to climate change: Windstorms Thunderstorms Hailstorms…+
Wildlife impacts
On this page, you will learn about climate change impacts World Fish Insects Mammals Reptiles & amphibians Birds Arctic species…+
Forest impacts
On this page, we deal with these issues related to impacts of climate change on Manitoba forests: Magnitude of impact…+
Grasslands impacts
On this page, we deal with these issues related to climate change impacts on Manitoba grasslands: Grasslands Prairie wetlands Wildlife…+
Wetlands impacts
The tapestry of water and birds across the continent is likely to change in the years ahead. Coastal marshes are…+
Community impacts
On this page, you will see how climate change will affect Rural communities Rural society Community policy Northern communities Permafrost…+
Business impacts
On this page, you will find Business risks Kyoto Protocol and your business Business drivers Click a link in the list…+
Livestock impacts
On this page, we highlight the following impacts of climate change on livestock production: Heat stress Insects and disease Animal…+
Crop impacts
On this page, we deal with these impacts of climate change on crop production: Growing season Crop yield Water resources…+