Sept. 15, 2023 – The Guardian – First complete ‘scientific health check’ shows most global systems beyond stable range in…+
Tag Archives: ecosystems
Forestry adaptation
The boreal forest is the ecosystem that is expected to be affected the most by future climatic changes. This is…+
Ecosystem adaptation
Just as we need to build adaptive capacity into human systems to prepare for climate change, we should aim to…+
In this section you will find suggestions for adaptations and ways to enhance adaptive capacity in the following areas in…+
Lake Winnipeg biome
The types and abundance of biological species living in a water body or preserved in its sediments can inform us…+
When Manitobans think of the ocean, our minds either travel to the West or East coast. We often forget that…+
Water quality
Less water from precipitation and glacial runoff will have an enormous impact on water quality in Manitoba and across the…+
Water quantity
Although overall precipitation levels may not change significantly, we may see an overall reduction in the quantity of water in…+
Water impacts
In this section, you will find out more about how climate change is affecting and is expected to affect: Oceans…+
Ecosystems impacts
In this section, you will learn about climate change impacts on the following Manitoba ecosystems: Wetlands Grasslands Forests Wildlife Click…+