
CCC Steering Committee


In addition to our chairperson and their organization, we have representatives of 7 other organizations on our Steering Committee.

On this page, you will see the organizations that serve on Climate Change Connection’s Steering Committee:

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The general direction of Climate Change Connection is set by our Advisory Committee.

The committee provides guidance on directions they feel that CCC should take and helps set the Work Plan objectives for the coming year. They also review our semi-annual and annual reports. This committee meets twice a year.

The membership of the committee includes two co-chairpeople and representatives of the following organizations:

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Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)

Committee representative: Wendy Ross

The Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER) is working to build sustainable First Nations Communities and a healthy environment. Climate change is a key area of concern.

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City of Winnipeg

Committee representative: Becky Raddatz

The City of Winnipeg’s Office of Sustainability leads the City’s work on climate action. They work with departments to put Winnipeg’s climate policy in place and meet their targets. OurWinnipeg 2045 set a new climate target for Winnipeg to meet or exceed net zero emissions by 2050. The Community Energy Investment Roadmap (CEIR) shows how we can achieve this target.

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Fort Whyte Alive

Committee representative: Jackie Avent

FortWhyte Alive is dedicated to providing programming, natural settings and facilities for environmental education, outdoor recreation and social enterprise. In so doing, FortWhyte promotes awareness and understanding of the natural world and actions leading to sustainable living.

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Green Action Centre

Committee representative: Josep Seras Gubert

The Green Action Centre is a non-profit, non-governmental hub for greener living based in Winnipeg, serving Manitoba. They work to educate Manitobans about climate change and to help people take steps to reduce their emissions.

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International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)

Committee representative: Cameron Hunter

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is a Canadian-based, policy research institute that has a long history of conducting cutting-edge research into sustainable development.

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Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP)

Committee representative: Neil Van Overloop

Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) is a general farm policy organization that takes direction from its members – including farmers and farm commodity organizations. Their mandate is to ensure primary production in Manitoba remains profitable, sustainable, and globally competitive.

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Manitoba Chambers of Commerce

Committee representative: Brian Kelly

The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce is the umbrella organization for Manitoba’s local chambers. The MCC is Manitoba’s largest and most diverse business lobby, representing over 10,000 businesses and community leaders. Their policy advocacy includes recommendations for Manitoba to protect Lake Winnipeg and to become a world leader in clean energy.

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University of Manitoba

Committee representative: Christie Nairn

The University of Manitoba strives to integrate sustainability with its planning and operations at all levels. The UofM Office of Sustainability supports sustainability across the entire institution, bringing the University community together to move forward with positive action.

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