In this section, you can connect to and find information about (mostly Manitoba) organizations, institutions, businesses, or communities who are active as:
- educators – teaching people about climate change
- funders – providing funds for GHG reduction projects
- implementers – reducing their own GHG emissions
- researchers – expanding climate change knowledge
There are over 200 organizations in our network. The Search feature below will help you find organizations to connect to. Our network is organized by categories.
Copy a category name from the list into the Search field below to create a filter.
Categories |
Agriculture and food |
Business |
Construction |
Education |
Energy Generation |
First Nations |
Forestry |
Gov't - Fed Prov |
Gov't - Municipal |
Health |
Heating and cooling |
Neighbourhoods |
Procurement |
Provincial hubs |
Recreation |
Science |
Transition Towns |
Transportation |
Waste and recycling |
Youth |