


Terms of use

Climate Change Connection and MakeWay own the intellectual property rights, including copyright, in and to this site, or have acquired the necessary licenses or permissions to display the material on the site.

As a user of this site, you are free to reproduce, re-publish, or re-disseminate information on this site in any manner or form without our prior written consent, provided the meaning, content, or intention of the information is not modified and is properly ascribed to us. Any other use of the information is prohibited.

You may not use photographic images from this site without consent from the owner of the image.

Legal disclaimer

Climate Change Connection maintains this website to give people access to information about climate change as it effects Manitobans, ways to reduce greenhose gas emissions, and to connect people to groups and individuals who are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will correct them.

Climate Change Connection, MakeWay, and its agents shall not be held liable for any damage whatsoever which may arise as a result of errors, omissions, or changes to the information appearing on this website.

Third parties

This website contains links and pointers to internet sites maintained by third parties. This website may also identify other groups or establishments.

Neither Climate Change Connection, nor MakeWay, nor our partners or sponsors operate or control, in any respect, any information, products or services provide by these third-party sites, groups, or establishments. The inclusion of a link or the location of a third party site, group, or establishment does not imply any direct or indirect endorsement by us of that site, group, or establishment.


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We operate thanks to donations from people like you and support from: Winnipeg Foundation Manitoba