Who Will Be The Next Manitoba Youth Climate Changemaker?

Climate Change Connection Youth Influencer Challenge Calls for Youth to Speak Up!

The Climate Change Connection Youth Influencer Challenge aims not only to educate but to empower youth to become the next generation of climate communicators and changemakers.

From what to eat, what to drive, young people can have a big influence on what their parents, families and friends do; how they live; and what they buy; and they can be a driving source of positive change, especially when it comes to climate change. Perhaps most notably, Greta Thunberg, who in 2018, became one of the youngest climate activists in history to mobilize millions to take part in the climate movement. Her authentic voice has resonated with young and old alike across the globe. “No more Blah, Blah, Blah” she decried in a speech to world leaders, at the “Youth 4 Climate” summit held in Milan, Italy, 2021. 

Now more and more youth are using their voice to advocate for change and Climate Change Connection wants to know who will be the next Climate Changemaker in Manitoba with the launch of an exciting youth challenge.

The Climate Change Connection Influencer Youth Challenge kicks off in October 2024 and runs until April 2025. It will include a series of virtual and in-person workshops and training along with ongoing mentorship from notable climate “Changemakers” from across Canada. It will showcase influential figures like Greta Thunberg. It will explore different communication styles and tactics used by young change agents nationwide to raise awareness about climate change and environmental concerns.

The challenge is open to all Manitoba students, in Grades 9-12 and will feature three cash prizes, up to $2000 to the team or individual that creates the most “influential” video on climate solutions and inspires action. The finalists will have their videos premiered to the general public, and the public will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite videos during Earth Month, in April 2025. The videos that generate the most awareness and reach through likes, and social sharing will be the winners.

“Solutions for climate change exist, and there are so many great ideas that will help us to build a resilient Manitoba. But more needs to be done to generate awareness and communicate these solutions; and it’s paramount that youth have the skills, support, and knowledge to feel empowered to speak out,” explains Susan Lindsay, education lead, at Climate Change Connection.

In addition to building communication and technical skills, the 2024 Climate Change Connection Youth Influencer Challenge aims to educate on the science surrounding climate change. 

There is more work needed in improving climate science literacy in Manitoba. A recent survey by Learning for Sustainable Futures found that just over half of Canadians (55%) recognized carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses as the main contributors to climate change. The survey also highlighted that 80% of respondents believe that Canadians require further information on climate change, with students expressing the greatest need for information (85%).

While climate literacy is needed, more and more kids are dreaming of future careers as social media influencers. A recent survey found that more kids want to be a “Youtube star” than an “astronaut” and yet when it comes to climate change there are students who are overwhelmed by climate change and confronted with a flood of false information and negative images depicting a grim future.

“As a mother and educator, I have seen first hand how a lack of knowledge and engagement can result in youth feeling anxious and unsure about our future, so we need to invest in our youth. Focusing not just on facts but on the many solutions that exist to help our youth gain positive insight on the myriad of ways that we can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and promote a net zero lifestyle” says Lindsay.  

Climate Change Connection (CCC) has dedicated the last two decades to collaborating with communities, youth, and educators to raise awareness among Manitobans about climate change facts and solutions. Recently, they played a key role in launching Manitoba’s Road to Resilience, which consists of three policy documents mapping out the pathway towards achieving a net-zero Manitoba. The pathway emphasizes the adoption of affordable clean energy, particularly geothermal and heat pump installations, advocating for building upgrades to enhance efficiency, as well as encouraging the wider use of electric vehicles and expanding public transportation. The key to achieving a net zero strategy for Manitoba is more support for public education. Climate Change Connection emphasizes the necessity for increased support to educate Manitoba students and provide them with the latest information on climate change.

In addition to the primary goal of educating students on climate change facts and solutions, students who take part in the 2024 challenge will also learn how to research data and to simplify intricate concepts into relatable information for their peers and the public. This includes honing public speaking and presentation abilities, crafting captivating content, and creating compelling narratives. Furthermore, they will also gain technical expertise in video editing and social media, skills that are in high demand in the new content creation economy.

“It would be great if they become the next YouTube or TikTok star and bring greater awareness of climate change to the general public but ultimately, we hope that they will walk away with transferable skills that they can use in a future career. By providing education that is hands-on we spark the creativity needed to help them imagine innovative ways to succeed and help them develop the necessary skills and training to thrive in the sustainable future that we all will share,” says Lindsay.

Climate Change Connection, offers numerous resources for educators, parents and youth. Including teacher bootcamps, customized classroom presentations, youth climate change conferences, youth environmental group mentorship, teacher resources, lesson plans, community connections, and idle-free zone signs. Climate Change Connection also supports schools interested in becoming a Learning for Sustainable Futures, Sustainable Futures School.

If your school is interested in learning more please email Susan Lindsay susan@climatemb.ca. or visit: www.climatemb.ca

Learn more
Climate Change Connection – 2024 Youth Influencer Challenge
Win up to $2000 in cash prizes

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