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    Manitoba greenhouse gas emissions keep rising

    Apr 28, 2020 – Winnipeg Free Press – Manitoba’s emissions increased by 8.3 % from 2005 to 2018. This marks…+

    COVID-19 pandemic and lessons for the climate crisis

    CCC’s Curt Hull was on CTV Winnipeg Morning Live discussing the lessons we can learn from the COVID-19 pandemic and…+

    What we can learn from COVID-19 to mitigate our next crisis: Climate Change

    Apr 15, 2020 – Forbes – There are three things we need to apply from the COVID-19 crisis to the…+

    Al Gore with Bill Maher: COVID-19 Climate Connection

    Bill Maher speaks with Al Gore about the COVID-19 climate connection

    Big Oil is using the coronavirus pandemic to push through the Keystone XL pipeline

    Apr 5, 2020 – The Guardian – It is difficult to escape the conclusion that the oil industry is acting…+

    Greta: We must fight the climate crisis and pandemic simultaneously

    Mar 30, 2020 – New Scientist – Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg observes: “If one virus can wipe out the…+

    How coronavirus could help us fight climate change: Lessons from the pandemic

    Mar 30, 2020 – Forbes – A Brazilian economist and former chief financial officer of the World Bank says that…+

    Government urged to consider environment in economic recovery plans

    Mar 28. 2020 – Winnipeg Free Press – University of Alberta political science Prof. Laurie Adkin is lead author of…+

    Parents rally for electric school buses

    Mar 9, 2020 – National Observer – Prince Edward Island has pledged to make that province’s entire school bus fleet…+

    Economic reality scuttled Teck project

    Feb 27, 2020 – Winnipeg Free Press – OPINION – Some have tried to blame the cancellation of the Teck…+

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