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    Climate crisis: 11,000 scientists warn of ‘untold suffering’

    Nov 5, 2019 – The Guardian – More than 11,000 scientists have declared that the world’s people face “untold suffering…+

    Keystone pipeline spilled 1.4 million litres of oil in North Dakota

    Oct 31, 2019 – CBC News – The cause of the rupture has not yet been disclosed but the initial…+

    Greta Thunberg declined a climate award because the world needs more action, fewer awards

    Oct 29, 2019 – CNN – “…What we need is for our politicians and the people in power start to…+

    New rapid bus lines could mean massive changes for Winnipeg Transit

    Oct 29, 2019 – CBC News – Winnipeg Transit has unveiled its Transit Master Plan. Plans for the new system…+

    What a Liberal minority government means for Canada’s environment

    Oct 21, 2019 – The Narwhal – With the Liberals returned to government but with a minority of seats there’s…+

    ‘Our future is at stake’: Greta Thunberg tells climate rally in Edmonton

    Oct 18, 2019 – CBC News – By foot, by bus and by truck, hundreds of Albertans made their way…+

    “The Talk”

    Kids. Have you had ‘the talk’ with your parents?

    Thousands gather in Winnipeg for global climate strike

    Sep 27, 2019 – CTV News – Thousands of Winnipeggers gathered on the grounds of the Manitoba Legislative Building Friday…+

    ‘How dare you’: At UN climate summit, Greta Thunberg slams world leaders in emotional address

    Sep 24, 2019 – CBC News – Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg on Monday opened the United Nations Climate…+

    Bill McKibben: This Climate Strike is part of the disruption we need

    Sep 3, 2019 – Yes Magazine “It can’t just be young people. It needs to be all of us.” It’s…+

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