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    Nestlé, Tim Hortons named Canada’s top plastic polluters

    Oct. 10, 2018- CBC News- Recyclability doesn’t seem to help keep trash out of waterways, Greenpeace audit finds

    Losses from climate disasters surge over last 20 years, UN says

    Oct. 10, 2018- CBC News- Tally is based on confirmed documentation, meaning actual losses could be much higher

    Guide to Climate-Friendly Eating

    The topics of food and diet are very complex, especially when it comes to making climate-friendly choices. Through this guide,…+

    Ottawa slams Manitoba’s ‘flip flop’ on carbon tax after Pallister pulls out of climate plan

    Oct. 4, 2018- CBC News- Liberal government committed to its plan to tackle the ‘real threat of climate change’

    New study finds incredibly high carbon pollution costs – especially for the US and India

    Oct. 1, 2018- The Guardian- As a wealthy, warm country, the US would benefit from implementing a carbon tax to…+

    New trade deal same old, same old: environmentalists

    Oct. 1, 2018- The Canadian Press- U.S., Canada and Mexico continue to coddle a fossil fuel economy that needs to…+

    IPCC: Climate scientists consider ‘life changing’ report

    Oct. 1, 2018- BBC News- It is likely to be the most critical and controversial report on climate change in…+

    ‘A win-win situation for singles’: Co-housing idea taking off in Winnipeg

    Sept 25, 2018- CBC News- Information session about the concept to be held Tuesday night, five families already interested

    A deep dive into the plastic woes facing Canada’s coasts and the world

    Sept 24, 2018- CBC News- As 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in the world’s oceans each year, 2…+

    The Sahara’s wind and sun could power the world — and turn the desert green

    Sept 21, 2018- CBC Radio- Large scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara desert would lead to more rain…+

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