Make your school an idle-free zone. It’s easy. Simply contact Climate Change Connection to order your own Idle-Free Zone signs today…+
Tag Archives: GHG
“Idle Free Zone” signs
To encourage the reduction of unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions, we offer “Healthy Communities Don’t Idle” Idle Free Zone traffic signs….+
Problems caused by idling
There are a number of problems associated with idling: It’s expensive It’s bad for breathing It’s bad for children It’s…+
In this section, you will learn about Problems caused by idling “Turn Your Key – This School is Idle-Free“ presentations for…+
Air Travel
On this page, we review the following topics related to air travel: Greenhouse gases Increased usage trends Alternatives Hydrogen Maglev…+
On this page, you will find info on the following ways to improve fuel efficiency and reduce climate-changing emissions from…+
Public transportation
Winnipeg Transit has noted that, during rush hour in Winnipeg, there is an average of 1.2 persons per car. At…+
Active transportation
On this page, you will learn how active transportation benefits your body your community employers the environment Click a link in…+
Alternative fuels
On this page, we deal with the following carbon-based alternative fuels: Ethanol Biodiesel Natural gas Propane Methanol Click a link…+
Greener cars
On this page, we discuss the following topics related to “greener cars”: Hybrid electric vehicles Hybrid types Regenerative braking Electric…+