Tag Archives: weather

Livestock impacts

On this page, we highlight the following impacts of climate change on livestock production: Heat stress Insects and disease Animal…+

Crop impacts

On this page, we deal with these impacts of climate change on crop production: Growing season Crop yield Water resources…+

How can we predict climate?

How can we talk about climate change over the next 100 years when we can’t be sure of tomorrow’s weather?…+

What about lag time?

In the past, carbon dioxide levels rose AFTER temperatures rose. Does this indicate that rising carbon dioxide levels today are an…+

What about water vapour?

Water vapour is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, yet other greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide and…+

General Overview

On this page you will find answers to some more questions about the changes that are happening to the climate:…+

What was climate like in the past?

On this page, we investigate the following examples of ways of looking into past climates by using proxies: Ice cores…+

Feedback processes

Feedback processes either enhance (positive feedback) or weaken (negative feedback) the effect of climate change triggers. Feedback processes can be…+

Why must we prevent a 2ºC rise?

To avert potential and catastrophic effects on both humans and ecosystems, we must prevent global temperatures from rising by more…+

Greenhouse gases (GHG)

Greenhouse gases are gases found in the atmosphere that are capable of absorbing infrared radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface…+

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