
    We Really Can Live Without Fossil Fuels

    We Really Can Live Without Fossil Fuels! Curt Hull, Director, Climate Change Connection presentation at Speaking Up October 19th, 2023 at X’Cues in Winnipeg. 

    • FRESH video: Home-made biodiesel

      Denis makes his own biodiesel from french fries.

    • Severn Cullis-Suzuki at Rio in 1992

      At the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, Severn Cullis-Suzuki spoke passionately to the world’s adults about how selfish “progress” is jeopardizing their children’s future.

    • We’re climate scientists

      Yo. We’re climate scientists and there’s no denyin’ this. Climate change is real. (Language warning)

    • Environmental Defence Fund “Train” PSA

      This short public service announcement (PSA) made way back in 2007 still packs a powerful message.

    • Coal: Cheap. Abundant. Cheap.

      “Coal grows in the ground or something.” “Electricity comes from the walls of the home where I live.” “The future is later.”

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