Youth Climate Influencer Challenge

2024 Manitoba Youth Climate Influencer Challenge. Sept. 2024- Apr. 2025. Win up to $2000 in cash prizes. Sign up Now!

Food Rescue & Emissions Reduction

Let's Feed People Not Landfills. We are working to establish a new freezer warehouse in Winnipeg that will store large volumes of rescued food and get it to those in need. Good food is ending up in our landfills, when it rots it produces methane gas, which quickly heats up the planet. Learn more.

Why climate action groups are calling for geothermal heating in Manitoba

Manitoba’s Climate Action Team (CAT) is calling on Manitoba Hydro to create a geothermal utility as a way to save residents money and reduce electricity demand. Read more  

Thank you Gay Lea Foundation!

For supporting the Manitoba Food Rescue and Emissions Reduction project! Their generous support will go towards the establishment of a low-cost freezer warehouse in Winnipeg! To help increase the capacity of our local food banks. Read more.

Empowering Youth - to Take Action

We work with youth to inspire hope through climate action. Through special hands-on projects like Depave Paradise, School Waste Reduction Challenges, Idle Free School Zones and hosting Youth Empowerment Conferences. Learn more.


  • Canada is set to meet — and beat — its goal of reducing emissions 40 per cent from federal buildings and cars

    Oct. 21, 2024 – The Narwhal – Minister Anita Anand said reducing government carbon pollution by 719,000 tonnes from 2005 levels is ‘very welcome’ in ‘a world where we have climate deniers’


  • What a ruling by Ontario’s top court could mean for the future of climate litigation

    Oct. 20, 2024 – CBC News – In what some have called a game-changing decision, an Ontario court has ruled that the provincial government’s weakened climate target could violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


New on this Site

  • Global Warming of 1.6C Now Best Case Scenario, New Research Shows

    Aug. 19, 2024 – New Scientist  -Humanity’s goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, which has been totemic in climate policy for the past decade, is now almost certainly out of reach.

  • Fossil fuel subsidies cost Canadians a lot more money than the carbon tax

    Apr. 1, 2024 – The Conversation Canada – The federal carbon tax increase is now in effect, and will raise gas prices by three cents per litre in most Canadian provinces. The hike prompted complaints from seven premiers and a recent parliamentary showdown, culminating in a failed vote of non-confidence in the Liberal government. Yet this ongoing debate overlooks a far costlier carbon tax: fossil fuel subsidies.

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