
School Resources

Fund your project

Hands holding seedling plantThis is a summary of potential funding sources that may be approached for environmental projects at Manitoba schools.

AgriSpirit Fund– (up to $25,000)- Farm Credit Canada provides funding for rural schools only, with particular interest in those undertaking capital projects that increase the sustainability of their community.

Aviva Fund (up to $150,000) – Funding is available for projects that promote community resilience, development, legacy, and health. Awards are distributed at three different funding levels.

Cambrian Credit Union – Sponsorship and Donations are available to local organizations and schools that create positive change.

Canada Post Community Foundation (up to $5,000)- Available funding supports projects that ensure every child is happy, healthy, and a part of a sustainable community.

Canadian Tire Jump Start Community Grants (up to $15,000) – Funding is available for organizations with operational and administrative costs, while the Programming stream helps organizations develop or sustain sports and recreational programming for kids aged 4-18 in financial need and youth with disabilities between the ages of 4-25.

EcoAction Community Funding Program – Funding is available for projects that promote community involvement and demonstrate measurable impacts for the environment, with particular interest in clean water or climate change.

EcoLeague (up to $400) – EcoLeague is a youth empowerment program that challenges and motivates students across the country to help save the planet through school and community-based sustainability action projects.

Edible Trees ($3,500) – This grant helps fight food insecurity by offering financial and logistical support to plant fruit- and nut- bearing trees and shrubs in communities on publicly accessible sites.

Go Wild School Grants (up to $500) – The World Wildlife Fund supports a vast number of projects that promote learning about nature and empower students to help protect the environment. Funding is available for creative projects at all levels of education, with many successful candidates in each school category.

Greening Canada’s School Grounds (up to $3,500) – It’s time to revitalize Canada’s school grounds by planting trees! Schools can apply anytime, from anywhere in Canada. Applications are accepted year-round, and they’ll keep your request on file for two years.

Honda Canada Foundation – Applications are accepted year-round, and are each assessed on an individual basis. The Honda Canada Foundation supports groups that promote after-school programs and environmental education.

Imagineaction – Funding opportunities are available for schools that are undertaking social action projects on themes such as environmental sustainability, leadership, and health.

Jack Layton Activism Award ($5000) – This award is available for classrooms that have implemented innovative school or community based projects that promote activism. Help make your community – it’s people and environment – strong and sustainable.

Manitoba Hydro Forest Enhancement Program (up to $10,000)- Funding support is provided to enhance and sustain the forest environment of the communities and regions of Manitoba. Projects that may contribute to addressing climate change are of special interest. All projects that provide present and future benefits to the people of their community, their region, or the province as a whole will be considered.

RBC Environmental Donations– Project funding is available for initiatives that enhance the sustainability and protection of water or those that lead to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

S’cool Life Fund – Funding is available for elementary schools that are working to enhance extra-curricular learning. Special interest is given to creative programs that promote alternative means of education for a wide range of students.

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (up to $8,000) – Funding for environmental school projects.

The Pollination Project (up to $1,000) – The Pollination Project offers seed grants and support to young people involved in a wide variety of environmental programs all over the world.

Treemendous Communities ($3,500 to $10,000) – This grant is available to Canadian municipalities, Indigenous communities, business improvement associations, non-profit organisations and community groups.

2 Billion Trees Program Canada – Ongoing. Funding available to support tree planting.

Whole Kids Foundation (Up to $2,000) – Schools have the opportunity to apply to the many grants of the Whole Kids Foundation. Funding is available for projects such as school gardens, honey bee hives, farm to school opportunities, and other innovative ideas.

Walmart Community Grants ($1000) – Funding is available to support  local organizations, such as animal shelters, elder services and community clean-up projects. Focus giving areas include: Hunger Relief, Food Access and Healthy Eating, Disaster Preparedness and Relief, and Building Strong Communities.

We operate thanks to donations from people like you and support from: Winnipeg Foundation Manitoba