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    Activity Sheets

    Earth Week may be over but you can still enjoy these family friendly activities that will get you thinking about…+

    Canada’s emissions target gets further away

    Apr 17, 2019 – Canadian Press – The return of oil and gas production following the devastating Fort McMurray wildfire…+

    Canada’s building code is getting a climate change rewrite

    Apr 12, 2019 – CBC News – Canada’s building codes are an extremely important tool to make real progress on…+

    Using bricks for energy storage

    Apr 9, 2019 – Fast Company – Energy Vault uses cranes powered by renewables to lift giant bricks into a…+

    Shell quits major US oil lobby over climate change

    Apr 2, 2019 – CNN – Due to pressure from its shareholders, Shell has just quit the American Fuel and…+

    Canada warming at twice the global rate, climate report finds

    Apr 2, 2019 – The Guardian – This new report says that if we fail to cut GHG emissions significantly…+

    ‘Coal is on the way out’: study finds fossil fuel now pricier than solar or wind

    Mar. 25, 2019- The Guardian- Around 75% of coal production is more expensive than renewables, with industry out-competed on cost…+

    Don’t know how to save the planet? This is what you can do

    Mar. 25, 2019- The Guardian- Should we become vegetarians? Is it OK to fly? The author of There Is No…+

    How to make your home greener (and more efficient)

    Mar. 22, 2019- CBC News- Many of the prescriptions for making buildings more green naturally apply to homes, too.

    Great Lakes are rapidly warming, likely to trigger more flooding and extreme weather

    Mar. 21, 2019- CBC News- Report also predicts more severe algae blooms will increase water treatment costs

    FRESH Stories

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