Manitoba Large Final Emitters (LFE)

Trends in GHG emissions from Large Final Emitters in Manitoba 2004 - 2018

Figure 1: LFE Emission trends 2004-2018

Large Final Emitters (LFEs) are those facilities that emit 50,000 tonnes (50 kT) or more of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents per year. These facilities are required to report their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to Statistics Canada. In 2009, the reporting threshold was reduced from 100 kT to 50 kT. This made the reporting more stringent.

In 2018, Manitoba had 8 LFEs. Six of these were industrial emitters and two were landfills. Together, these facilities accounted for about 8.8% of Manitoba’s total GHG emissions.

To download all of the data in Excel, click here: PDGES-GHGRP-GHGEmissionsGES-2004-Present.xlsx (3.9 MB)

Here is the chart with data as a PDF Manitoba LFE Emissions 2004-2018.pdf (108 kB)

Figure 1 shows how annual emissions from Manitoba’s 8 largest emitters have changed from 2004 to 2018. These facilities accounted for about about 8.8% of Manitoba’s total GHG emissions in 2016.

The following table shows each facility’s total emissions for 2018 expressed in kilotonnes CO2 equivalent (CO2e).

For reference:

  • Manitoba’s 2018 total emissions – 21,806,349 tonnes
  • An average car generates about 4.5 tonnes per year


The table also shows how the 2018 data for these Large Final Emitters (LFE) compares to the bigger picture:

  • % MB total – the approximate percentage of Manitoba’s total GHG emissions represented by each facility
  • min./T – the number of minutes it takes the facility to produces a tonne of CO2 equivalent
Reporting FacilityGHG emitted
% MB total min./T
Koch Fertilizer Plant7713.5%0.68
Brady Road Landfill4111.9%1.28
TransCanada Pipeline3091.4%1.70
Graymont Faulkner Plant1180.5%4.43
Canadian Kraft Papers (The Pas)900.4%5.85
Summit Road Landfill800.4%6.61
Minnedosa Ethanol Plant750.3%6.97
Thompson Nickel Operation570.3%9.21

Tar Sands

Tar sands extractorIn 2015, operations in the tar sands in Alberta (“non-conventional oil extraction”) generated 62 megatonnes of CO2e GHG.

This is equivalent to 14 thousand cars and does not include the emissions from burning the fuel that is extracted.

This is 3 times all of Manitoba’s emissions that year.

Sundance coal-fired electric generating station

The Sundance Power Plant – a single coal-fired electricity generating station in Duffield, Alberta generated over 14 megatonnes of CO2e in 2015.

This is 70% of Manitoba’s total emissions for that year from a single facility!

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