Winnipeg cycling – Future of Transportation
In spite of our flat topography, cycling in Winnipeg is not easy. Up until quite recently, the bicycle in Winnipeg was seen as something frivolous, non-essential, a toy. That attitude is changing due in no small part to people like Anders Swanson and Beth McKechnie.
Family transport video #2: Walking school bus
Family transport video #1: Car share
Eco-Centre volunteer’s FRESH advice: Be Aware
My name is Francine and I am a volunteer for the Manitoba Eco-Network and Climate Change Connection. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies and Urban Development. I recently finished a 9 month Eco-Internship, where I helped a company develop an environmental sustainability plan.
Here’s what I do in my personal life to be “green”.
Seine River School Division talks anti-idling
The Seine River School Division is among the pioneering schools and school divisions that are creating and implementing anti-idling for their schools and fleets.
The division has been following an anti-idling policy, which discourages all vehicles from having their engines running while standing still, since 2008.
Local commuter takes on idling Transit buses!
It was just like any morning that Richard catches his bus to get to work (okay he is also an avid cyclist!). This particular bus is one that sits and waits for about ten minutes at the stop before starting their morning route.
One day, Richard decided to ask the driver to turn off his engine and stop idling until he was ready to depart.
Fighting climate change one step at a time
Tara C-K walks to work year round. She is part of a two-car family, but she chooses to leave her car parked in the driveway. It takes her 30 minutes to get to work in the morning, a little longer in heavy snow.
By choosing to frequent businesses that are close to her home, she has managed to cut down her driving by 50%.
Hope Church creates inspiring climate change video
In 2009, at a Mennonite Church Canada national conference in Saskatoon, churches were asked to consider making a public statement for peace in their communities. The Hope Mennonite Church on Furby Street in Winnipeg responded by making a YouTube video to promote reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.