The Road to Resilience was released by the Climate Action Team in February 2021. It established the pathway to a…+
Tag Archives: electricity
At work
On this page, we deal with the following ways in which you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions at work: Transportation…+
Sweden’s economy grew by 44% from 1990 to 2005. As of 2005, Sweden has achieved a 7.2% reduction in GHG…+
Germany’s economy grew by 62.6% from 1990 to 2005. As of 2005, Germany has achieved an 18.3% reduction in GHG…+
Air Travel
On this page, we review the following topics related to air travel: Greenhouse gases Increased usage trends Alternatives Hydrogen Maglev…+
Hydrogen energy
On this page, we address the following topics related to hydrogen as an energy source in Manitoba: Advantages Difficulties Current situation…+
Hydroelectric energy
On this page, we address the following topics related to hydroelectric power in Manitoba: Advantages Difficulties Current situation Future possibilities…+