


Pope Francis calls for action on climate change & capitalism on a planet “Exploited by human greed”

Dec 31, 2014 – Democracy Now

Pope Francis is set to make history by issuing the first-ever comprehensive Vatican teachings on climate change, which will urge 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide to take action.


2015: A year for carbon pricing, peer pressure and Paris

Dec 29, 2014 – Climate Change News

December 2015, is where negotiators from around the world are set to strike a global deal to tackle climate change. What happens in the next 12 months politically, economically and environmentally could make or break that deal.


Caribou hunt industry collapse still haunts northern Quebec

Dec 23, 2014 – CBC News

Biologists who study caribou say it is highly unlikely the George River herd will ever be able to sustain a sport hunt again. They don’t know the exact reason for the decline, but suspect a number of factors such as a strain on the habitat, climate change and a high number of predators are to blame.


Ice-free Arctic could be just six years away

Dec 22, 2014 – The Star

Sea ice has always been highly variable. David Barber, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Arctic System Science at the University of Manitoba, says that variability is growing and makes predictions difficult. Dates for an Arctic free of summer ice vary from 2020 to 2080 and scientists can’t really say how that’s going to play out in different regions.


Peak Snow? BC Ski Resorts Brace for Warmer Era

Dec 22, 2014 – The Tyee

While climate change will have far direr consequences than harming the quality of recreational snow sports, the industry is a major economic force that provides a livelihood for 12,000 people in BC. The province’s 85 ski areas bring in $600 million in revenue annually.


Earth heats up, world cold to deal

Dec 21, 2014 – India Tribune

Lima talks have put off the difficult task of negotiating a global agreement on climate change to Paris next year. As India anchors the developing world against the developed countries’ efforts to shift the onus of cutting carbon emissions, environmentalists warn that time is running out. For the sake of planet earth, and global climate justice.


Permafrost thaw threatens Arctic infrastructure

Dec 19, 2014 – Deutsche Welle

Global warming is changing the Arctic – while some herald the opportunities that come with easier access, the thaw could literally yank the ground out from under communities.


Arctic still heating up twice as fast as rest of planet

Dec 17, 2014 – Christian Science Monitor

If global warming has paused, someone forgot to tell the Arctic. Annual average temperatures have continued to rise for the region as a whole throughout the recent slowdown in the pace of warming globally, according to a new analysis of conditions above 60 degrees north latitude.


Why politicians don’t fight climate change: Walkom

Dec 16, 2014 – The Star

Climate change is the issue that Canadians refuse to address. We talk about it. But in the end, too many of us are unwilling to do anything serious about the greenhouse gases that, according to a United Nations scientific panel, threaten to inexorably alter the planet.


Latest UN Climate Action Plan ‘Very Weak Indeed’

Dec 16, 2014 – The Tyee

With yet another United Nations high level conference making very little, if any, real progress on slowing climate change, a near miracle will be required if countries are to reach a meaningful and binding global agreement on carbon emissions in Paris next December.


3 CHARTS: How Canada’s climate change record compares to the rest of the world

Dec 13, 2014 – CTV News

So how does Canada actually rank when it comes to climate change? Here are three charts for comparison: absolute emissions, emissions per capita, and projected emissions to 2020.


A strange new gene pool of animals is brewing in the Arctic

Dec 11, 2014 – Nautilus

Scientists have seen the future and it is “grolar bears.” In September, in the Arctic Ocean, Pacific and Atlantic bowhead whales met in the middle. The fossil record indicates the last time Pacific and Atlantic bowhead whales came into contact was at least 10,000 years ago.


Include climate change when assessing pipeline projects, groups urge

Dec 11, 2014 – The Toronto Star

The National Energy Board is being asked to include climate change in its assessment of the $12-billion Energy East project, adding momentum to the push to have environmental factors taken into consideration for pipeline projects.


Regulating oil and gas industry would be ‘crazy’ under current oil prices: Harper

Dec 9, 2014 – CBC News

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made it clear today that Canada will not regulate emissions from the oil and gas industry ahead of the United States.


Storm warning: ‘incredible’ subtropical storms to drench B.C.

Dec 8, 2014 – CBC News

Environment Canada is warning West Coast residents to brace for an ‘incredible’ series of storms that will bring an extraordinary amount of rain this week. A warm subtropical weather pattern “will bombard the mountains of Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland from today through Thursday morning,” according to a weather warning issued by Environment Canada.


Typhoon Hagupit makes landfall in Philippines

Dec 6, 2014 – Associated Press

Typhoon Hagupit slammed into the central Philippines’ east coast late Saturday, knocking out power and toppling trees in a region where 650,000 people have fled to safety, still haunted by the massive death and destruction wrought by a monster storm last year.


Ban Ki-Moon says Canada must do more on climate change

Dec 5, 2014 – CBC News

Ban Ki-moon, in an exclusive interview with CBC News, says Canada needs to stop stalling on setting climate change goals, and instead become “ambitious and visionary.”


Green energy sector jobs surpass total oil sands employment

Dec 2, 2014 – Globe and Mail

Canada’s green energy sector has grown so quickly and has become such an important part of the economy that it now employs more people than the oil sands.


Canada’s climate inaction leaves it ‘increasingly isolated’ ahead of COP 20

Dec 1, 2014 – CBC News

Canada is looking “increasingly isolated” as former climate policy laggards such as the U.S. and China take action to tackle climate change, policy experts say.


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