

    ‘The future is now’: Habitat for Humanity builds first net-zero homes in Winnipeg

    May 30, 2019 – The new owners have just moved in to the first net-zero homes that Habitat for Humanity has built in Manitoba. With their rooftop solar panels, these buildings produce as much energy as they consume.


    Manitoba students walk out of class to call for climate action

    May 24 – CBC News –

    In spite of the rain, there was a massive turnout of youth and their supporters for the Student Strike rally at the Legislature and march to Winnipeg City Hall on Friday.


    Germany tests first eHighway autobahn

    May 7 – –

    Germany’s first real-time test of electrified trucks fed via overhead cables amid heavy motorway traffic has begun near Frankfurt. 


    Canadian Teens Are Striking Over Climate Change

    May 2 – Vice –

    High school students have been using a Slack channel to organize school strikes this Friday in 64 different communities across Canada.


    UK Declares Climate Emergency

    May 1 – The Guardian –

    UK members of parliament have endorsed a motion to declare a formal climate and environment emergency. The move has been hailed as a necessary response to school climate strikers and groups such as Extinction Rebellion.


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