
Stanford study: All fossil-fuel vehicles will vanish in 8 years

May 18, 2017 – Financial Post – According to a new report by Stanford University economist Tony Seba, no more petrol…+

No carbon tax for farmers: Pallister

May 10, 2017 – Winnipeg Sun – Premier Brian Pallister says he plans to exempt Manitoba farmers from paying a…+

Thousands in desperate struggle with floods across Canada

May 7, 2017 – The Metro – Thousands of Canadians across the country spent the weekend in a desperate struggle with rising…+

A warmer, drier Edmonton: City addresses next steps to adapt to climate change

May 2, 2017 – The Metro – Retrofitting buildings and new energy efficient programs are all part of Edmonton’s plans…+

Al Gore shuns Band-Aid solutions to climate change at TED in Vancouver

Apr 26, 2017 – Globe & Mail – Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore is warning against massive geoengineering experiments that…+

Emission action needed or issues will get worse: climate change scientist

Apr 26, 2017 – Winnipeg Free Press – The world is heating up — and much more quickly than expected,…+

Next stop: a better transit system?

Apr 23, 2017 – The Metro – Winnipeg transit advocates are hoping an event series could spark a movement calling…+

March for Science puts Earth Day focus on global opposition to Trump

Apr 22, 2o17 – The Guardian – More than 600 marches took place around the world, on every continent bar…+

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